Dysport Before And After Photos

From dysportusa.com
Dysport helps in smoothing the lines and wrinkles on the face. This is a long-lasting prescription injection that is primarily used for targeting glabellar lines or the frown lines between brows. A common concern among adults of all ages is that they frown without even realizing it. Deep lines may occur between the eyebrows even before you know it making you appear much older than you actually are.
Dysport is FDA approved and been in use for over 25 years across the world. It is a proven, safe and effective wrinkle reduction treatment that involves small injections administered in the targeted facial areas for reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Dysport is perfect for you if you have facial signs of aging. Your treatment provider may present before and after images to patients during pre-treatment consultation to help them understand the procedure better and make an informed decision. The images are useful in increasing transparency regarding potential results of the procedure.
Khan Eyelid and Facial Aesthetics, led by oculoplastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Tanya Khan, provides Dysport facial wrinkle reducing injection treatment to patients in Austin, Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.
Connecting with New Patients
Treatment providers can develop strong connections with patients by showing Dysport before and after images. Patients can learn about a new procedure and see what it is capable of by looking at images and results on other patients. They can feel more confident about the treatment.
Candidates for Dysport believe the treatment will work for them as well when they see successful results in other patients. A feeling of mutual confidence and trust is created with demonstrable proof in the form of before and after photographs.
Now these images are not on the website, but websites can be updated at any time. We will update the website as we always do. You will have to ask to see these images during the consultation which is mandatory anyway. Transparency is vital. You may not see transparency in athletics or in DC anymore, but this does not mean we shirk from that aspect. Trust is vital and it does not matter if you agree with the surgery or not, we want everyone to receive the information they are looking for.
Pictures Speak Volumes
Dysport ‘before and after’ pictures can explain things better than words. Words are open to interpretation and are difficult to understand. On the other hand, pictures don’t have any language to barrier. They do not tell an exaggerated or a false story.
Educate People by Going Social
Treatment providers can access hundreds of thousands of potential patients by posting Dysport before and after images on social media. They can promote the treatment as a safe and proven noninvasive alternative to facelift for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Cosmetic and dermatology professionals can make good use of Dysport before and after pictures by posting them on popular social media sites, such as Instagram and Facebook. These images can play a pivotal role in reaching a large number of patients if used correctly.
Setting Realistic Expectations
The results of Dysport injections are significant. However, they are not as dramatic as facelift surgery. You should have a clear understanding of what the procedure can and cannot do for you. Dysport ‘before and after’ images play an important role in setting realistic expectations.
Treatment providers can reduce the risk of disappointment occurring at a later stage by showing before and after images. Board certified ophthalmologist Dr. Tanya Khan receives patients from Austin, Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for Dysport injections for facial rejuvenation.
Contact Khan Eyelid and Facial Aesthetics and Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Tanya Khan Today to Schedule an Appointment
For more information about procedures and treatments at Khan Eyelid and Facial Aesthetics by Ophthalmic surgeon Dr. Tanya Khan. Click here to contact us.
Offices in Dallas, Plano and Austin, Texas.
Schedule a Consultation: 972-EYE-LIDS (393-5437)